October 8

Fun Night Out

A fun Night out with friends

Nights spent on the couch eating junk food and binging on Netflix are fantastic. After a week of work, school, or parenting, staying in and lounging around usually sounds like heaven. But once in a while, a fun night out on the town is just what you need to shake the stress and anxieties of the work week. Denver is home to an array of activities for anyone, no matter what their tastes are or how they spend their week. Gather your friends and family, treat yourselves to a night full of excitement you won’t find in any other city.

TopGolf Centennial

A short journey away from the city, but still part of the Denver experience, TopGolf is something that has been taking America by storm thanks to its energetic vibe and accessibility to all skill levels. The multi-level, all-weather, and all-day operating facility contains a kitchen, bar, and lounge areas for a night filled with sports, friends, and priceless entertainment. Even though your night out may not be set in downtown Denver, TopGolf Centennial is the total package, and you’re guaranteed an incredible night if you spend it there.


Hear me out on this: escape rooms are the most underrated fun night out activity. There’s no other place where you feel as much of a thrill and have as intense of an adventure, all while learning about yourself and your friends and growing as people because of it. Every experience at an escape room is different, no matter how many times you’ve tried one. When you try a new room, or even just bring different group members, it’s a completely unique adventure that can never be replicated. Denver’s best escape room, EscapeWorks, is an impeccable choice for your night out because of its closeness to other restaurants, bars, and other activities you can try to keep the good times rolling. Want a night that will take you away from the stresses of your life and into another world altogether? EscapeWorks is the way to go.

Book an Adventure

Comedy Works

Not far from EscapeWorks in downtown Denver is a place that doesn’t get enough credit: a comedy club named Comedy Works Downtown. The club has been the starting point and choice venue of a variety of star comedians, endorsed by the likes of Dave Chappelle and Rob Schneider. Comedy Works features both established comedians and the newbies on the scene and is commonly praised for both the quality of the acts put on and the bar that serves unique, top-notch cocktails. Whether or not you’re finishing off your week with a few drinks, a good laugh with your friends is the perfect way to spend a fun night out.

This weekend is your time to hop off that couch and take on all that Denver has to offer. Whether you want to take a couple swings at a revamped driving range, delve into a new world at EscapeWorks, or just share some laughs, you’ll always find what you’re looking for in the Mile High City.


$38 per person


15th & Champa & 19th and Blake

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