July 25

4 Fun Things To Do in Denver

fun things to do in denver

It’s at this point in the summer when people get stuck in a rut. The newness of summer has worn off and school is still a couple weeks away, so there’s a time of “doldrums” when your energy and plans are at a standstill. Even though you think you’ve exhausted yourself and all your options, here are 4 fun things to do in Denver to keep filling your summer with excitement and rejuvenate you for the upcoming school year.

Visit a Zoo

Whether you have to find entertainment for young children or a group of college kids, a zoo is always a safe bet. There are big city-funded zoos with endless exhibits and chances to learn something new, or you can visit a local petting zoo. Let’s face it, no matter how old you get, everyone loves a chance to pet a cow or a horse. A zoo is a place for having some fun while reliving childhood highlights and having the opportunity to spend quality time with your friends. As an added bonus, you can tack on a picnic at the end of your day at a nearby park for a full day of soaking up the sun.

Explore Your Town

No matter how long you’ve lived wherever you are, you most likely haven’t visited every food, coffee, or specialty spot around your town. Try finding the hidden gems you’ve never explored before. You can either do research beforehand or park your car downtown and do your investigative work by foot. Sit down and have a cup of tea or coffee at the tiny cafe, or try out the hole-in-the-wall restaurant you’ve just never found time to visit. The best part of being a “detective” is you can do it alone to dwell on your own thoughts or use it as a time to devote to one person.

Play Bubble Ball

At some point, everyone’s seen a video or two of people running around in those giant, clear, plastic bubbles. The wipeouts and bounces they have are borderline legendary, and it’s an activity that’s hilarious both for spectators and participants. These bubbles are called bubble balls, and if you’re looking to burn some calories in a thrilling, unique way, a game of bubble ball is the way to go. If you google bubble ball (or bubble ball near me), you’ll find countless facilities where you can rent the bubbles for you and your friends.

Try an Escape Room

Where bubble ball takes a certain amount of energy and stamina, an escape room tests the limits of your mental strength and agility. If you’re looking for a way to fill a smaller time slot and not expend a lot of energy but still have all the excitement of activities like bubble ball, an escape room may be the fun thing for you to do. Every city has a few high caliber escape rooms that will give you the thrill you’re looking for. For example, folks out in Denver could search “escape rooms near me” and find EscapeWorks, a first-rate escape room hub that’s a city-wide favorite.

Mid-summer boredom doesn’t have to put a stop to your season of freedom and relaxation. There’s always something new to find or try, you just need to be a little creative and push yourself past your comfort zone.


$38 per person


15th & Champa & 19th and Blake

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