April 13
blog post
Escape Room

The Interesting Origins of Speakeasies


While alcohol is a common part of life in the US now, this wasn’t always the case. The 18th Amendment enacted a ban on alcohol throughout the country, which led to the development of speakeasies. These establishments remain a source of intrigue to this day, especially when considering their mysterious reputation. Here’s how speakeasies got started, and where they are today.

The Effects of Prohibition

Prohibition first took effect in 1919 when the 18th Amendment was passed, which prohibited the manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcohol in the US. While drinking was now illegal, prohibition didn’t deter people from partaking in alcohol. As a result, illegal speakeasies began to pop up all over the country.

The term “speak easy” actually predated prohibition and simply meant that a bar was operating without a license. The name referred to the need for patrons to “speak easy” to avoid bringing attention to the bar. After prohibition, speakeasies were the only place for most people to drink alcohol. Many establishments had mafia ties, which means they were often home to lots of shady characters.

Speakeasies in Modern Times

Prohibition lasted until 1933, at which point it became legal to produce and sell alcohol again. Speakeasies began to die out as proprietors were legally permitted to open and manage bars once again. Legal alcohol also reduced the impact of prohibition-related crime, which was a major reason that the amendment was overturned.

Somewhat surprisingly, speakeasies still exist, even though alcohol is legal for people aged 21 and over. These days, these establishments are often kept “secret” to create a mystique around them. They’re the same as conventional bars and pubs but are often tucked inside other establishments and require special knowledge to access them. In this case, modern speakeasies pay homage to prohibition-era establishments, without the concerns about criminal wrongdoing and illegality.

Want a bona fide speakeasy experience in Denver? If so, EscapeWorks Denver has precisely what you’re after. Among our many other challenging and exciting escape games, we also invite guests to try out Speakeasy: Beyond the Flower Shop for a real taste of this bygone era. You can easily reserve this and other rooms via our booking page, or pick up a gift card to be used at a later date. If you’d like more information before getting started, feel free to contact us or call 303-268-1377.


$38 per person


15th & Champa & 19th and Blake

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