February 26

Where to Take Your Visiting Friends in Denver

Where to Take Your Visiting Friends in Denver

When you finally get someone to come and visit your hometown, neither of you are going to want to sit around in your house all day. You need to compile an agenda chock-full of the best parts about your city, and Denver is so packed with fun things to do and try you’ll never run out of ideas. Here are four options of where to take your visiting friends in Denver that will please everyone and give them a glimpse of what it’s like to live in the Mile High City.

Take Your Friends to the Great Outdoors

Of course, let’s get the most obvious option on the table first. Where you can take your friends is really a no-brainer, seeing as the first things people think of when they picture Denver are the mountains. The beautiful year-round weather and a plethora of trails around the city make hiking a must-have on every visitor’s agenda. No matter how long you’ve been in Denver, you never get tired of the gorgeous scenery and mountainous trails.

Denver: Puzzle Room Haven

It’s rare to find any other city around the country or even the world that has the number of puzzle rooms Denver does. The Mile High City is often revered in the escape room world as being an escape hotspot, so there’s no better place to bring visitors than one of the city’s many facilities. And, since there aren’t many corporate-franchise locations around, you’ll be supporting small local businesses at the same time! You can research what makes an escape room “the best” to help you decide where to go.

Explore Nightlife in Denver

Even if you’re not over 21, you can enjoy the electric Denver nightlife! Taking your friends to restaurants and clubs in places like Larimer Square is a way for them to experience what sets Denver apart from their own hometown. The aesthetic the city possesses at night is unlike anything other cities around the country are able to replicate, so it will be an adventure everyone will treasure and look back on fondly.

Everyone’s Relaxing Go-To

If you’re not aware of “coffee culture”, 1) you’re missing out, and 2) the first thing you need to know is that every city does coffee differently. Unlike some other major cities, Denver locals are more likely to value the quality of coffee beans and roasts, rather than the speed of the service. A city-wide favorite is Mutiny Information Cafe, a used-books, records, and coffee shop all in one place. Take your visiting friends by Mutiny for a high-quality cup of joe and find out how Denver’s best does coffee.

No matter your age or lifestyle, there’s always something for everyone to love in Denver.

Book an Escape Room


$38 per person


15th & Champa & 19th and Blake

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