August 4

Why Is Team Building So Important To The Workplace?

Why Is Team Building So Important To The Workplace?

While Millennials may be blamed (some argue unfairly) for the decline in a number of consumer industries, they’ve undoubtedly also led the change from the ultra-competitive, cut-throat working environment into a more collaborative and friendly workspace.

Creating a cohesive team can help any business thrive, but it can be hard to encourage employees to grow closer when their primary interactions involve passing each other in the restroom or sharing an awkward elevator ride each morning. Read on to learn more about some of the benefits that can be realized by participating in team building activities with your coworkers, as well as how an outing at EscapeWorks Denver could help improve the productivity, attitude, and motivation of your entire workplace.

Benefits of Team Building

The positive impact of team building can take many forms, but some of the most common benefits include:

Greater cohesiveness

Sharing an experience, whether an entertaining, exciting, or stressful one, can bring even relative strangers closer together. This new connection can often transfer over into the workplace, helping foster more water cooler chat and help you and your coworkers function as a team.

A chance to see (and showcase) skills

Many team building activities are designed to appeal to (and take advantage of) a wide range of different talents, from trivia knowledge to math skills. Realizing that your coworker has a hidden talent for graphic design can help you jazz up your next boring presentation, while observing a reserved coworker come out of his or her shell when trying to mediate a debate can give you (or your HR staff) some great professional development ideas.

Meanwhile, you’ll be able to demonstrate your own talents and worth in front of your peers and potentially your supervisors, helping show you can keep a calm attitude under pressure and are willing to pitch in when needed.

Team Building Activities

With these benefits in mind, you’ll want to choose team building activities that require your team to work toward a single goal while allowing for a variety of talents and abilities to participate. This can make escape rooms like those at EscapeWorks Denver the perfect activity: in just 60 minutes, you and up to 11 of your coworkers can attempt to escape from a locked room by solving puzzles, unearthing clues, and deciphering codes.

Each of the escape rooms has a distinct theme, from the CDC environment of Outbreak to the Mafia-themed mystery of Beyond the Flower Shop. You’ll be able to choose an escape room that fits your group’s interests (or even relates to your industry), ensuring that you and the other participants are all equally engaged and having a good time.

Whether you’d like to create a more positive working environment throughout your office, need to address some problematic attitudes among certain coworkers, or just want the opportunity to bond with your coworkers over a long lunch break, you’ll want to check out EscapeWorks Denver for your next team building activity.


$38 per person


15th & Champa & 19th and Blake

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